Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky Lane, 9

Artikul: 109118
8 000 RUB
Russian Imperial Order of St. Andrew breast star. Rebuilt according to original historical sample with improvement of quality to be exactly as it was in it's period. Sewn star made by original sample. The stars of all Russian orders during XVIII - XIX centuries were often sewn. Was used for everyday wearing on uniforms. The Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called (Russian: Орден Святого апостола Андрея Первозванного) is the highest order of the Russian Federation. Established as the first and highest order of chivalry of the Russian Empire in 1698, it was abolished under the USSR before being re-established as the top Russian order in 1998.

Звезда ордена Св.Андрея Первозванного (шитая). Россия, копия

Artikul: 109118
8 000 RUB