Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky Lane, 9

| Reenactment gear
Artikul: 65059
450 RUB
High quality replica of Red Army Man book. 12 pages. Here is small instruction how to fill a red-army RKKA soldbuch in, page 2 1) surname 2) name 3) rank and service 4) name of regiment or branch 5) name of formation(batalion, company) 6) number of personal tag Личная подпись владельца книжки=personal signature book owner Командир роты_ signature company comander photograph stamp page 3 I.Main information 1) number of military speciality 2) education level(if technical school or institute is done, write its name) 3) nationality 4) year of birth 5) year conscription( normal or pre-period) 6) with which miltary comissariat conscription is made 7) civil profession page 4 place of birth and living, adres, familiy and name of wife or parents blood group all infromation is filled in in formation staff, blood information is in medical dept. page 5 II. Military Service first column - formation rank and position,, second column - month and date third column number and year of order, forth column - signature of company comander page 6 III.Military actions and service awards: first column - when wheere and for what awarded second column- month and date third column year and number of order forth column signature of company comander notes: 1)information is filled by comander of company according to formation orders. If transfered to another formation information about servise approved by staff major and stamp. 2) in new place of service information is filled in same page page 7 IV.Clothing and equipment -first column: Шапка(шлем)зимняя = Winter hat(budenovka) Пилотка = side cap Фуражка = peaked cap Шинель = overcoat winter Гимнастерка сук = guimnastiorka wool Гимнастерка хз-б = guimnastiokra = cotton Шаровары сукон = trouses wool Шаровары хл-бум = trouses cotton -second column: quantity: выдано - received cдано - returned - third and forth column: TIME received - returned year/month date == year/month date page 8 IV.Clothing and equipment -first column: Шаровары Ватные = Winter trouses Рубаха нательная = underwear shirt Рубаха тепл. нижн. = underwear shirt warm Кальсоны= underwear pants Полотенце = towel платок носовой = hanky Портянки летние = footcloths summer Портянки зимние= footcloths winter Перчатки теплые = warm handcuffs Сапоги = boots -second column: quantity: выдано - received cдано - returned - third and forth column: TIME received - returned year/month date == year/month date page 9 IV.Clothing and equipment -first column: Ботинки = shoes Обмотки = leggins Полушубок = sheepskin coat Наволочка тюфячная = pillowcase matress Наволочка подушечная нижняя = pillowcase inner Наволочка подушечная верхняя = pillowcase outer Простыня = sheet Одеяло = blanket -second column: quantity: выдано - received cдано - returned - third and forth column: TIME received - returned year/month date == year/month date page 10 IV.Clothing and equipment -first column: Ремень поясной = waist belt Ремень брючный = trouses belt Ремень ружейный = gun sling Ремень для скатки шинели = overocat strap Ранец(вещмешок) = backpack(sidor) Снаряжение бойца кавалерии = cavalry tropp equipment set Сумка патронная = cartrige pouch Сумка для ручных гранат = hand grenade pouch Котелок = mess kit Фляга = canteen Чехол к котелку = mess kit cover Чехол к фляге = canteen cover -second column: quantity: выдано - received cдано - returned - third and forth column: TIME received - returned year/month date == year/month date page 11 V. Weapons and technical equipment -first column: name of weapon and eqipment -second column: quantity: выдано - received cдано - returned - third and forth column: TIME received - returned year/month date == year/month date Notes: 1) Numbers of gun, gas mask and other equipment is written in first column 2) filled must be weapons and other items including repair sets and page 11 VI. Height(sizing) Number__ Шинель = overcoat Шапка зимняя = winter hat Фуражка = peaked cap пилотка = side cap Сапоги = boots Ботинки = shoes Рубаха летняя = summer shirt Шаровары летние = summer pants Шаровары суконные = wool pants Белье = Underwear

Красноармейская книжка РККА. СССР, копия

Artikul: 65059
450 RUB