Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky Lane, 9

| Reenactment gear
Artikul: 103616
10 000 RUB
Officers collar patches Gold on Red, 1st regiments in infantry divisions, Russia, Replica. Gold embroidered collar for parade uniforms infantry officers model 1909, this kind of pathes were used by officers of 1st regiments in infantry army divisions and grenadiers, number of regiment of division was signed by color of collar, first red, second blue, third white and forth green-same as tunic. this were used in period starting from 1855 till 1917.

Шитьё (петлицы) красные на воротник офицеров армейской пехоты для парадного мундира обр. 1909 года (1-е полки). Россия, копия

Artikul: 103616
10 000 RUB