Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky Lane, 9

Artikul: 60428
8 700 RUB
NKVD officers parade peaked cap model 1943, USSR WW2, replica

High-quality replica of NKVD parade peaked cap, 1943 type. RKKA Red Army officer`s service cap. Top-level commanding staff. Rebuilt according to original historical sample with the improvement of quality to be exactly as it was in its period.

NKVD (НКВД) People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs parade peaked cap.

Good for Victory Day Parade 1945.

Commissioner General of State Security; General of Internal Troops (VV NKVD) ranks.

Introduced by the Order No.126, February 1943.

Handmade by original military order with all the correct materials. Cloth, leather, gold-plated buttons. Best quality.

Can be made by any size you need within 2 weeks.

Please contact us!!

Фуражка парадная комиссара Государственной Безопасности, генерала Внутренних Войск НКВД обр.1943 года. СССР, копия

Artikul: 60428
8 700 RUB